How to achieve short term goals using SWOT analysis


What is a short term goal and give an example?

Short term goals are those which you achieve in less time, in 6 months or 1 year. For example, completing a course, starting your own business etc.

What is the goal of SWOT? What can we achieve by doing a SWOT analysis?

SWOT means Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and threats. SWOT analysis is a great way to achieve your goals. You can also use SWOT analysis to know about your organisation performance and by doing SWOT analysis you can generate better results. As for now we are talking about SWOT analysis for goal setting.

How can a SWOT analysis help you in achieving your goals?

When you conduct SWOT analysis, you come to know about your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. When you know about these factors then you can get more better results by using your strengths, avoiding your weaknesses, using your opportunities and getting rid of threats. If you are able to know these factors then it will get easy to achieve your goals.

SWOT analysis for goal setting

Strength (S)

Ask yourself what strengths do i have?

Identify your strengths, explore your talent. I have heard somewhere the things you know to do can always save you and i strongly agree with it. Use your strengths to avoid weaknesses and threats. Don't care about how difficult it will be but think about how good it will be when you will get what you wanted. Whether it's short term goals or long term goals, your strengths will always play an important role in helping you getting close to your destination. So note down your strengths and think how you can get benefit from it.

Weakness (W)

We all have some weaknesses but one should be smart enough to deal with them. Note down what weakness you are facing in achieving your goals, then use your strengths and opportunities to defeat these weaknesses. For example if your weakness is less budget and your strength is being a content creator or app creator, then use these strengths of yours and sell your services and get paid for them and it will increase your budget and you can get rid of your weakness. 

Opportunities (O)

If you are not using opportunities which you have then you are stupid person ever. Opportunities are something which will make it easier for you to achieve your goals. Note down what opportunities you have and use them in the best way to avoid your threats and weaknesses. 

What are examples of opportunities?

Here we will give you an example of technology. It's a world of technology these days. Use latest technology. Shift your business from offline mode to online mode. This is your opportunity, use the technology and expand your business and grow your clients and audience.

Threats (T)

Threats are something which are risky and can stop you from getting close to your destination so it is very important to note down your threats and use your strengths and opportunities to get rid of your threats. For example if your competitors are your threats, and if your strength is strong financial position then use your assets and make different and unique content to get better results than your competitors. 

Can we turn threats in to Opportunity?

Yes you can!! But it requires hardwork and patience. You or your team should be smart enough to take every risk and use it according to your benefit.

How do businesses identify threats?

Always research about what your competitors are up to. Anything can come in your way as a threat. Don't worry it's not a big deal, threats are a part of your journey just identify them by doing proper research and deal with them.

What are examples of threats? 

Nowadays your competitors can be your biggest threat. For example one of your competitor is selling same product as yours, the price is also same but there sales are more than you? Why? One of the reason behind this is that your competitor has loyal customers who buy from them again and again which results in profit for your competitor. So to get rid of this make better relationships with your clients and customers. Win their trust. Your customers are your biggest asset. Give them value and you will see the excellent results yourself.

SWOT analysis will make it easy for you to achieve your short or long term goals. You just have to note down everything and work on it.

Points covered in this article

  • Personal swot analysis
  • Career goals with a personal SWOT analysis
  • Professional career goals
  • Strategic tool for achieving objectives
  • SWOT goals examples 
  • SWOT analysis for business development
  • SWOT analysis of a new business
  • How do you create a SWOT analysis
  • Business plan with SWOT analysis

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