Qualities of a good leader


A good leader is indeed a blessing in every platform. A good leader shows the right path, walks along the team and support his teams, because a leader know that success lies in teamwork. A leader make sure to take the right decision for his company or country. Today we will share with you qualities of good leaders. If you want to be a great leader, then you are on the right place. Read the article and you will come to know about qualities of a good leader.

Be confident

A leader should always be confident because he is the one who motivates his team. The team learns from his leader so a leader should be confident in every situation. A leader should always believe in himself.

Decision making

All the great leaders have the power of decision making. They know how to make the right decision in right time. A leader should be capable of taking quick decisions and he should be smart enough to have a plan B if plan A fails.

Communication skills

It is very important for a leader to have good communication skills. Communication plays an important role in every platform so a leader should be able to convey his message effectively to everyone. Good communication skill will also make him more responsible and better in his work.


One of the responsibility of leader is to motivate his team members. For this purpose he should be optimistic so his team gets motivated and satisfied. An optimistic leader can always generate better results.


Patience is very important for everyone whether you are a leader or just a normal worker. Patience will take you to success. A good leader should be patient and at the same time he should be responsible enough to make sure that all the tasks are completed within the assigned period.


A leader should always be responsible. He should never get afraid of results. Running away from your responsibilities never make you a good leader. Be responsible for everything going under your leadership.


As a leader you are the one leading your company so you should never break trust of your team or clients and you should build a trustworthy relationship among your team.

These are some qualities of a good leader. Remember that a good leader can bring a great change in his company or country.

Points covered in this article
  • How to be a good leader
  • Personality of a good leader
  • Traits of a good leader
  • How to have good leadership skills

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