Student life in pandemic


Pandemic is very stressful for most of us. Similarly students are also facing many problems during Covid pandemic. Online studies have changed their way of education and many students can't adopt this new norm. It is very normal to not fit in this situation because online studies can be stressful if not implemented in the right way. As aquiring education physically is not possible nowadays so it is very important for school and university administrators to use the right techniques for online education which will help students understand their course more effectively. 

Problems faced by students in online classes

There are several problems which students face in online classes. Some of the students don't get proper attention from their teachers which makes them less motivated in continuing their lectures which obviously results in bad grades. Another issue is loads of assignments and projects which teachers give for a very limited period of time. Many students can't complete their assignments before the deadline and it causes more problem for them. Teachers should keep in mind that students are humans and in this difficult times like pandemic, it is their duty to support students. Teachers should give assignments and projects but they should help their students by providing them enough time and support so they can complete their tasks easily and enjoy doing them. It is a difficult time for both teachers and students, the best way is that students cooperate with teachers and teachers should support their students. 

Steps for successful online learning

Cooperating with students

It is very important for teachers to cooperate with students. Teachers should deal with their students mind. As it is very difficult for some students to learn online. I've come across students who can't do assignments or projects without the help of their teachers but because online studies have messed up their education so they have no interaction with their teachers. It is very important for teachers to check on their students and to cooperate with them. An advice to all the teachers reading this article is that, listen to your students, help them in this difficult time and be supportive. 

Communication with your child

In online education system, the relationship of parents with their kid also plays a very important role. Parents should help their kid with studies. How can you do that? 
  •  Parents should support their kids.
  •  Help them in their studies.
  •  Don't be strict with them because the kids are already under pressure because of online studies. 
  • Talk to your child and listen to their problems, be there for them like friends.
  •  If you see your child finding difficulty in understanding their course, then arrange online tutions for them with a good tutor. Extra classes can help them alot.
Some of these methods can help your kid to have a good online education experience. 

Sense of responsibility

In these hard times, studies can get difficult but students should have a sense of responsibility. They should keep studies their priority. They have to put efforts to adjust in this situation. An advice for all the students is that don't get upset if you are not getting good grades. Just focus on your studies and try to get better. Don't be anxious and try to be calm and take help from your adults if you find anything difficult. Communicate with your teachers as it will make you more confident and you will enjoy learning process.

How do students feel about online learning?

We have asked two of our regular viewers about their opinion on online classes and here is what they want to say. Here you will find why are students struggling with online learning.

Person 1 

If i talk about myself, i faced alot of problems in online classes. It is extremely tiring and hectic to sit infront of the laptop screen whole day and take lectures. Major problem i faced was time management, i have lots of assignment and It is very difficult for me to complete my assignment on the deadline, our professor gave us. I had headache everyday because of using mobile and laptop whole day for online studying purpose. I felt tired and depressed and there was no one to help. Teachers weren't listening to us and i lost hope of doing good in online studies. I suggest that teachers should give students some extra time to do their assignments because we all are new to online studying system and it takes time for us to get used to this. 

Person 2

I am a student at the secondary level. I will share with you my experience during lockdown as a student. Technical issues were the main problems i faced throughout the last year. We were ordered to download a special monitoring browser for the exams by our administration. The browser had some privacy issues and worked by recording some secret audios and videos of the students. Hence, it was against the security policy of many devices & caused several issues to many devices including severe software damage. Unfortunately, mine was also one of them. It damaged my laptop so badly that for 2,3 days i wasn't even able to power it off. Apart from it load on the website during the exam, internet disconnection & server slow down were other issues i faced. In one of my exams i wasn't even able to login to my school account, in one another exam i wasn't able to attempt all the questions due to server problem. And most of the teachers act so strict in such cases and doesn't even bother to listen or understand the problems of the students therefore in my opinion cooperation from administration and instructors is most important in understanding and solving such technical issues that students face.

As you can see how students feel about online classes and the problems they've to face during this situation. Hopefully school administrators will take this issue seriously and help their students in these difficult times. 
A message for every teacher and student is that a student requires his teacher attention, love and support and a teacher requires his students cooperation, respect and hardwork. 

Points covered in this article

  • How does online education affect students?
  • Perspective of online classes
  • Student engagement in online learning
  • How has online learning affect students?
  • Effects of online classes
  • COVID-19 effect on student life
  • Student life during lockdown
  • Impact of Corona virus  on student life

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