Useful phrases for business emails



Do you find it difficult to write a formal email? The art of email writing is not complicated, you just have to know the write techniques. When dealing with a brand or business or even for schools and universities, writing a formal email is a part of our work these days but sometimes we don't know the perfect phrases to use in a formal email and because of that our email can look informal. Today we will share with you some positive and professional email writing examples which will help you a lot.

Useful phrases for formal emails

For delay and postponed emails

Whenever you want to inform the other person about any delayed or postponed meetings then use this phrase "I apologize but i am afraid we may have to reschedule the meeting". This phrase shows your respect and kind nature. Use this professional email phrase to make your email more formal. 

For quick response 

Never use this phrase in your formal email "Can you do that ASAP". Instead of this phrase you should use "Can you please do this work at your earliest convenience". Again it's necessary to be kind. 

For any documents you require

In your formal email avoid using this phrase " Can you send me this file?". Instead of this you can request nicely by saying "Would you mind sending me this document".

For any work you couldn't complete on time

There are many times when you forget to deliver any email or any important file on time so in these cases don't use this phrase in your email "I am sorry, i couldn't deliver on time". Instead of this you should use "Please accept my sincere apologies for inconvenience i may have caused you". 

For offering help 

When you are offering help in your email then don't use this phrase "No problem. i can do 
that for you". Instead be more kind and use this in your email "Always happy to help".

These are some phrases which can help you a lot in writing a formal email. Always make sure to write a formal email for your work purposes as it shows your work ethics and personality. 

Points covered in article

  • How to write professional email
  • Tips of writing professional email
  • How to write formal email
  • How to write formal email in English
  • What is a professional email
  • Phrases to use in professional email
  • How do you write an effective professional email
  • Formal email writing examples
  • Business email phrases

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