Tips to help you create SEO-FRIENDLY content

What are the steps to create content for SEO? 

SEO plays an important role in success of your website so you should embrace SEO-friendly content creation . Below we are going to describe how to write seo-friendly blog posts

Use targeted keywords in your articles

Choosing appropriate targeted keywords is the initial step while you are writing SEO friendly article. Your keywords should be related or relevant to the content you are going to write and it should contain phrases that people are most likely to search for.

Once you are done selecting your keywords, then use them throughout your blogpost. You should add them in necessary places like your headline, subheadings, text, and captions etc

Write powerful headlines

Your headline is one of the most important elements of your article. It's the initial thing readers are going to see so they will be able to determine whether they want to read your article or move to something else.

When you are writing SEO friendly article, you should make sure your title are interesting and engaging so readers want to read your article and they spend their time checking out other articles from your website.

Use SEO-friendly URL 

Your URL also plays an important role and is another key element for SEO friendly article.

They must be brief, descriptive, and should include your target keyword so readers can know more about your article or website.

This is going to help search engines better understand your content and your website and it will improve the chances of it appearing in search results and ranking on top of search engines.

Optimize images on your website

Images are a vital part of SEO friendly article as pictures describe your blogpost. They add a clear visual appearance of your content and it may help in boosting your rankings in search results. In order to optimize your images for

SEO, include relevant keywords in the image titles. This is going to help search engines  understand better what the picture is about and it will increase the likelihood of your blogpost ranking on top of search engines.

Optimize for mobile device

Nowadays an increasing number of users are using mobile devices to search for content online since people don't have access to pc all the time so they search for content on their mobile phones. Therefore, you should optimize your content for mobile devices so mobile users find it easy to get to your content.

You need to make sure that your website is responsive and mobile friendly. Also your content should be easy to read on a mobile device.

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