How can i get AdSense approval easily? 

If you are working online, you must get your blogs and websites monetized. One of the best platform of monetization is Google AdSense. In order to get your website monetized you must follow AdSense Program policies. Mostly everyone knows about Google AdSense, but what most people don't know is how to get AdSense approval. 

Are you also thinking about  " Google AdSense approval tips"
No worries, we will answer all of your queries. 

Today we will talk about one of the most important tip of AdSense approval requirements, which is quality content.

Google AdSense approval tips

Quality content is one of the major tip for getting AdSense approval. Google always appreciates quality content and unique articles, free of plagiarism. 

Alot of people ask me how many articles required for AdSense approval or how do i write AdSense content?

So you should have atleast 30-35 top quality articles, which have 1000 words and are not plagiarized in any form.

 Also many people ask me why is my Google AdSense account disapproved and when i visit their website i find lack of quality content or mostly their is absolutely no content, then how can you get approval without content?
So the point is your blog content is very important for AdSense approval 

How to check if an article is plagiarized?

There are many free tools on Google where you can check if your article is not plagiarized. Remember if you want AdSense approval, then your articles should be 100% free of plagiarism.

How do much traffic do you need for AdSense approval?

Are you also confused about " How many page views do i need for AdSense?"

Actually, there is not a specific numbers of traffic required for AdSense approval but the best option is to get most of your traffic organically from Google search engine. 

Is it hard to get AdSense approval ?

No my friends, not at all. It's not hard to get AdSense approval. You just have to use the right techniques to get approved by AdSense.

Hopefully this article have given you an overview of Google AdSense account approval. 

What content is not allowed on AdSense?

Plagiarized content or low quality content is not at all allowed for Google AdSense approval

Points covered in this article

  • Google AdSense approval tips
  • AdSense requirements
  • Eligibility requirements for AdSense
  • AdSense approval requirements for Blogger
  • Google AdSense requirements